1. Introduction
Pursuant to the provisions set forth in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Law 3/2018 of December 5 , on the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE) in effect, www.puigubach.com informs its users that it has created a profile on the Facebook, Twitter and Google+ social networks with the purpose of advertising its products and services.
TEXTIL PUIG UBACH S.A. information
C/ Ravel, 10 P.I. Can Jardí
08191 Rubí, Barcelona, España
E-mail: comercial@puigubach.com
Web Domain: www.puigubach.com
The user has a profile in the aforementioned Social Network and has decided to join the page created by www.puigubach.com , thereby showing interest in the information that is advertised over the Network. By joining our page, the user gives his consent for the processing of the personal data that is published in his profile.
The user may, at any time, access the privacy policies of the Social Network itself, as well as configure his profile in a way that guarantees his privacy.
www.puigubach.com has access to, and processes, the user’s public information; in particular, his contact name. This data is used solely within the Social Network itself. It is not added to any file.
In regard to the rights to access, rectify, erase and object at your disposal, and which may be exercised before www.puigubach.com pursuant to the GDPR, you should consider the following particularities:
- Access: It will be defined by the functionality of the Social Network and the ability to access the information in the user profiles.
- Rectification: It may only be fulfilled in relation to any information that is under the control of www.puigubach.com , such as eliminating comments published on the page itself. This right may commonly be exercised before the Social Network.
- Erasure and/or Objection: As with the case above, it may only be fulfilled in relation to the information that is under the control of www.puigubach.com , such as no longer being a member of the profile.
www.puigubach.com will perform the following actions:
- Access to the profile’s public information.
- Publication on the user’s profile of any information that has already been published in www.puigubach.com’s page.
- Send personal and individual messages through Social Network channels. Status updates of the page that will be published in the user’s profile.
The user can always control his connections, eliminate the contents that are no longer interesting to him and restrict who he shares his connections with. To accomplish this, the user will need to access his privacy configuration.
2. Publications
Once the user has joined www.puigubach.com‘s page, he may publish comments, links, images, photographs or any other type of multimedia content supported by the social network on it. Under all circumstances the user must own the aforementioned material, have copyright and intellectual property rights over it, or have the consent of the appropriate third parties. Any publication on the page, whether involving text, graphics, photographs, videos or others, that infringe, or may infringe, upon morale, good taste or decorum, and/or which infringe, violate or breach intellectual or industrial property rights, personality rights or the Law are expressly forbidden. In these cases, www.puigubach.com reserves the right to immediately remove the content, and may request the user’s permanent ban.
www.puigubach.com shall not be held liable for contents that a user has freely published.
The user must keep in mind that his publications will be disclosed to other users; therefore, he bears the primary responsibility for his privacy.
The images that may be published on the page will not be stored in any file by www.puigubach.com , but they will be stored on the Social Network.
a. Contests and promotions
www.puigubach.com reserves the right to organize contests and promotions in which the users that have joined its page may participate. When the Social Network is used for this purpose, the terms and conditions for each of them will be published on it, and always in compliance with the LSSI-CE and any other applicable regulation.
The Social Network does not sponsor, support or manage any of our promotions in any way, and is not associated to any of them.
b. Advertisement
www.puigubach.com will use the Social Network to advertise its products and services. When applicable, if it decides to process your contact information to perform direct sales prospecting actions, it will always be as per the legal obligations set forth in the GDPR and the LSSI-CE.
Recommending www.puigubach.com‘s page so that they can also enjoy the promotions or stay updated on its activities shall not be considered to be advertising.
You may find links to the Social Networks’ privacy policies below: